The Philosphy
What is Great Doubt?
Great Doubt is a way of life that believes in everything only to a certain extent and, in so doing, is not attached to any single belief but is accepting of everything.
Great Doubt is a Zen inspired spiritual way of life, philosophy and meditation practice to calm our mind so that we can understand God without religion while dealing with any problem in life, from how to be rich to relationship love, with logic and reason to aid in the holistic healing of the causes of suffering. It attaches to nothing and accepts everything, taking the realistic middle way between material and spiritual wealth.
This philosophy is for the new generation of people who face information overload from the Internet. What exactly do we believe in? Great Doubt believes in everything partially but in nothing absolutely. It views all perspectives and faiths as divisions of oneness created only by our minds. We accept all but are not overly attached to any thing so we would not be shaken or lost.
3 Main Principles of Great Doubt:

1. We are governed by the laws of cause and effect.
We do something and something else occurs as a result. Some people know this as karma but good and evil both must exist in order for us to differentiate them from each other so we make what is good and what is evil. If A exists, not A must also exist! What is something without nothing to compare with?
The fact that you are reading this is a perfect example of cause and effect. You did not just read this out of the blue. There were events that led you to read this text. Perhaps you had some problems and were searching for answers. Perhaps you were bored. Nothing happens without something to trigger it. So nothing is a real accident because all events are linked to uncountable possibilities that led to the current moment.
It is when we try to understand cause and effect with our limited senses that we attribute the qualities of good and bad to it. However, we are not at the end of the chain yet so what we feel are good or bad results are merely temporary.
Furthermore, our differentiation of these qualities lead to fragmentation on how we perceive the world. Nature is about balance and the world will eventually come to an equilibrium.
2. Attachments cause us to suffer mentally.
Realizing the principle of the chain of cause and effect, suffering comes to us when we attach to a particular point of the chain. If we are attached to a bad event in our life now, we overthink what circumstances led to our current situation, which leads to stress and the perpetuation of our sadness.
Even if we love something too much, we must know that either the thing we are infatuated with will eventually die or we will die so even in happiness, there is sadness. For without sadness, how do we know what is happiness? We should not be attached to happiness because nothing is permanent in this world.
It is important to note that avoidance of attachments does not mean that we should have no attachments at all. It simply means that since we know that attachments cause us suffering, we are responsible for choosing our attachments wisely. We should prioritize and reduce attachments while realizing that we are the source of our own mental suffering.

3. Accept the world as it is and do not be attached to changing it.
Acceptance alleviates suffering because it enables us to not be attached to the past, which causes us sadness, or to not be attached to the future, which causes us anxiety. Acceptance allows us to be in the moment and appreciate the very moment as it is without judgement. Acceptance enables us to adapt to every situation accordingly because our mind is not disturbed and our perception is clear.
Acceptance does not mean that we should do nothing but we should not overly worry ourselves to change things. We just do what we have to do at the right time. Thus, we should appreciate and accept every moment with our five senses.
Acceptance is not easy as it requires us to put our prejudices aside. The Great Doubt philosophy facilitates our ability to doubt everything because the truth is just relative to our acceptance of it based on our human senses.
It is important to note that we are not merely just giving up or doubting when we accept. It means we can adapt to the situation by using our brain as a thinking tool that can be switched on to solve a particular problem but can also be switched off so that we remain in the moment without our mind wondering off. Doubting absolutely everything greatly and believing in everything relatively is the essence of Great Doubt that will truly allow us to accept every moment as it is.
How May We Help You?
The Great Doubt Foundation offers services that are centered around the Great Doubt philosophy.

Great Doubt
philosophy teaching
Learn to apply the principles of the Great Doubt philosophy in your life

Mentoring, guidance and advice based on the Great Doubt philosophy and culture
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